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due to Clare a English programmes will,we will take Alice in wonderland in hengdian.Hero,just as its name implies is to Alice,and then the white queen,red queen,mad hatter,the march hare,the mock turtle,the dormouse,Cheshire cat,the dodo,lizards,bill,the gryphon and ugly duchess et al.
Alice in wonderland is the main content of the little girl Alice chasing a chuai wear pocket watch white rabbit,fell down a rabbit hole,and then into the magical underground this world,drink a water can shrink as mouse size,eat a piece of cake and will become a ,it seems that all eat are her in the door of the big garden met a whole pair of poker,the brand has rough red queen (Q),good red king (K) and the swagger of jack of hearts (J), this crazy world of illusion,seems to have only Alice is the only person awake,her constant exploration,and constantly ask who am exploration and constantly self-understanding,grow up,and finally grow up to be a big girl,suddenly


我想应该是卡朋特的Yesterday once more,暴露年龄的时间再次来到,记得,小时侯经常在收音机里听见一段很优美的旋律,When I was young Id listen to the radio,waiting for my favourite songs……当时觉得很好听,想着什么时候自己也会唱呢?后来长大了,才知道这首歌的名字,并且知道了它的含义,让人不觉得有些伤感,想起多年的老朋友,希望昨日重现,因为旋律好听,歌词又有一定的意义,所以发奋的学了一段时间,终于能会唱了,每次唱这首歌时,都会热泪盈眶,真的希望如此歌般昨日能重现。